Clock Star observers with the Small Transit Telescopes 1927–1958


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The text below up to and including the year 1955 (except for the year 1927) has been transcribed directly from the Reports in the volumes of Greenwich Observations

Click here to read more about the Small Reversible Transit Instruments B, C & D

Click here to read more about the Bamberg Broken Transit





Dr Jackson






The observations of the current year were made by Mr. Finch, excepting those of July 21, 25, 31, August 26 and September 10 when the observer was Dr. Jackson.



The observations of the current year were made by Mr. Finch, excepting those of February 9, August 30, September 4, 8 when the observer was Dr. Jackson.



The observations of the current year were made by Mr. Finch, excepting those of May 28 and 29 and September 14 and 21, when the observer was Dr. Jackson.



The observations of the current year were made by Mr. Finch, excepting those made by Dr. Jackson on April 28, June 12, 16 and 21 and July 13 and 17, and those on August 10 by Mr. Acton.



The observations of the current year were made by Dr. Woolley (RW), Mr Newton (N) and Mr. Finch (F)



The observations of the current year were made by Dr. Woolley (RW), Mr Newton (N) and Mr. Finch (F)



The observations of the current year were made by Dr. Woolley (RW), Mr Newton (N), Mr. Finch (F), Mr. Shortland (AS) and Mr. Rudd (JR).



The observations of the current year were made by Dr. Woolley (RW), Mr Newton (N), Mr. Finch (F), Mr. Shortland (AS) and Mr. Rudd (JR).



The observations of the current year were made by Messrs. Finch (F), Newton (N), and Shortland (AS).



The bulk of the time observations were made by Messrs. Finch (F), Newton (N), and Shortland (AS) the remaining observations being secured by Messrs. Atkinson (A),  Smith (HS), Harris (CH) and Hulme (H).



The  observations were made as in previous years by Messrs. Atkinson (A), Finch (F),  Harris (CH), Hulme (H), Newton (N), Shortland (AS) and Smith (HS).



Observations were made by the following members of staff:

At Greenwich, using Transit B, until September 4 – Messrs. Newton (N), Harris (CH), Smith (HS), Hulme (H), Finch (F), Tucker (RT), Rudd (JR), Hunter (AH) and Hodgson (TH).

At Abinger using Transit D until October 19 and Transit B thereafter – Messrs. Finch (HF*), Harris (CH), Rudd (JR), Hodgson (TH), Smith (HS), Blackwell (KB), and Tucker (RT).

*Previously denoted as (F)



At Abinger, using Transit B: – Messrs. Blackwell (KB),  Tucker (RT), Rudd (JR), Finch (HF), Hodgson (TH), Harris (CH), Barocas (VB) and Smith (HS).

At Edinburgh, using the Transit Circle: – Messrs. Harris (CH), Baker (B), Symms (LS) and Wrigley (W). Messrs. Baker and Wrigley are members of staff of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. The remaining observers are members of the Greenwich staff.