Contemporary account from 1769


Date: 1769, March 26
Author: Jean Bernouilli, Director of the Berlin Observatory
Title: De l'Observeratoire de Greenwich
About: In 1768 & 1769, Bernouilli visited a number of observatories in Europe to acquaint himself with the state of astronomy there. His findings were later published in book form as a series of letters in a volume titled: Lettres astronomiques où l'on donne une idée de l'état actuel de l'astronomie pratique dans plusieurs villes de l'Europe, (Berlin, 1771), which translates roughly as: Letters of an Astronomical nature, which give one an idea of the current state of practical astronomy in several towns in Europe. His account of the Observatory at Greenwich (pp.77–100) formed the content of letter six (Lettre sixieme).
Several, including instrumental details and the earliest known image of Bradley's New Observatory.

We are currently working on a translation. In the meantime, the letter can be read in its original form in Google Books. Although there is more than one copy on line, the plates are incomplete. The link below is to a copy with two of the original plates. They can be found at the beginning of this particular edition.

Click here to read the letter in its original format (from Google Books).

Click here to see the plates (from Google Books)

Click here to see a high quality digital version of the book from ETH-Bibliothek Zürich